
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2018-10-21 浏览次数:



刘颖,女,教授,博导,第七批陕西省人才计划入选者。中国科学院长春应用化学研究所博士毕业,从2007年至2012年先后以德国洪堡学者和博士后的身份在德国格赖夫斯瓦尔德大学、西班牙阿里坎特大学、美国明尼苏达大学和美国太平洋西北国家实验室工作,主要从事酶及微生物在固体电极表面的产电及电子转移机理的研究。以第一作者及通讯作者已发表SCI文章40余篇,是国际期刊Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research的编委成员并承担10余种国际一流学术期刊的审稿工作。






1. Ruitao Li, Xiangpeng, Ren, Xinxin Fan, Zhen Zhang, Tianpeng, Gao, Ying Liu*, Efficient Enriching High-Performance Denitrifiers using Bio-Cathode of Microbial Fuel Cells, iScience, 2024, accepted (SCI, 二区,IF=4.6)

2. Shengchao Gao, Xinxin Fan, Zhen Zhang, Ruitao Li, Yue Zhang, Tianpeng Gao, Ying Liu*,A dual-function mixed-culture biofilm for sulfadiazine removal and electricity production using bio-electrochemical system, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024, 263, 116552 (SCI,  IF= 10.618 ,一 区,TOP 期刊)

3. Xinxin Fan, Bo Tian, Zhen Zhang, Xiangpeng Ren, Yue Zhan, Ying Liu *,Insights into the efficient electricity production performance using acid-treated,2024, Accepted, Microchemical Journal, (SCI, IF=4.9, JCR Q 1区, TOP 期刊).

4. Ruitao Li, Shengchao Gao, Xinxin Fan, Yamei Ma, Xiangpeng Ren, Tianpeng Gao, Ying Liu*, Enhanced nitrate removal through autotrophic denitrification using microbial fuel cells via bidirectional extracellular electron transfer, Microchemical Journal, 2024, 204, 111026 (SCI, IF=4.9, JCR Q 1区, TOP 期刊).

5. Yamei Ma, Zhen Zhang, Shengchao Gao, Yue Zhan, Zihao Wei, Ying Liu*,The efficient Congo red decolorization coupled with electricity generation via G. sulfurreduens based on microbial fuel cells, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023,11,6,111296 (SCI,Top期刊)

6. Ruitao Li , Yi Ding , Yue Zhang, Ting-fang Mai, Wen Zhou, Sheng-chao Gao,Ying Liu* et al.,  A novel and utility electrode with boost biofilm formation and current generation in microbial fuel cells based on Chitosan/Carbon composites, Electroanalysis, accepted. (SCI)

7. The phenol efficient degradation using co-culture coupled with enhanced electricity generation capabilityYue Zhan, Yamei Ma, Ting Cai, Shengchao Gao, Zhen Zhang, Tianpeng Gao, Ying Liu*Electroanalysis, Volume35, Issue10 2023e202300032, (SCI)

8. Yamei Ma, Dandan Deng, Ying Liu*, A systematic study on self-powered microbial fuel cell based BOD biosensors running under different temperatures, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 180108372 SCI

9. Lianbin Cao, Ying Liu * , Electricity Production of Microbial Fuel Cells Coupling with Cr(VI) Removal by Degrading Cellulose, Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020,391,122184 (SCI,IF=10.588, JCR Q1 , 1  区,  TOP  期刊)

10. Yujing Jiang,, Rongbin Song, Lianbin Cao, Zhaoying Su, Yamei Ma, Ying Liu*, Harvesting Energy from Cellulose through Geobacter sulfurreducens in Unique Ternary Culture, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019105044-50 (SCI, IF=6.558,JCR Q 1  )

11.  Nazish Manzoor, LianbinCao, Dandan Deng, Zhuangzhuang Liu, Yujing Jiang, Ying Liu*,Cellulase extraction from cellulolytic bacteria promoting bioelectricity production by degrading cellulose, Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, 2018, 829, 241-248 (SCI, IF=4.464 JCR Q 1)

12.  Zhaohong Jiang, Yichi Zhang, Zhuangzhuang Liu, Yamei Ma, Jingquan Kang, Ying Liu*,Isolation and characterization of an exoelectrogenic strain CL-1 from soil and electron transfer mechanism by linking electrochemistry and spectroscopy, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 292, 982-989 (SCI, IF=6.901 ,JCR Q2  区)

13. Zhaohong Jiang, Di Zhang, Lei Zhou, Dandan Deng, Min Duan, Ying Liu*, Enhanced catalytic capability of electroactive biofilm modified with different kinds of carbon nanotubes, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018, 1035, 51-59 (IF=6.558,,JCR Q 1  区)

14.  Zhuangzhuang Liu, Yamei Ma, Bo Tian, Chenxi Li, Yujing Jiang, Nazish Manzoor,Ying Liu* ,Selection and community analysis of halophilic mixed exoelectrogens from salt lake soils,Analyst, 2018,143,4103-4109 (SCI, IF=4.616 ,JCR Q1  区)

15.  Lei Zhou, Dandan Deng,Yichi Zhang, Wen Zhou, Yujing Jiang, Ying Liu*, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 90, 264-268 (SCI,  IF=10.618 ,JCR Q 1  区)

16.  Yue Tang, Dandan Deng, Lei Zhou, Yujing Jiang, Yamei Ma, Guangwen Tian, Ying Liu*,Analysis of electricity generation and community of electroactive biofilms enriched from various wastewater treatment stages,Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, 2017,803,72-80 (SCI, IF=4.464 ,JCR Q 1 区)

17. Zhuangzhuang Liu, Lei Zhou, Qi Chen, Wen Zhou and Ying Liu* ,Advances in Graphene/Graphene Composite Based Microbial Fuel/Electrolysis Cells, Electroanalysis 2016,28,1-11 (SCI ,IF=3.223 , JCRQ2  区 )

18. Dandan Deng, Yichi Zhang and Ying Liu*,A Geobacter strain isolated from rice paddy soil with higher bioelectricity generation capability in comparison to Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA,RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 43978-43898  (SCI ,IF=3.361 , JCRQ2  区 )

19. Lei Zhou, Dandan Deng, Di Zhang, Qi Chen, Jingquan Kang, Ningjuan Fan and Ying Liu*,Electricity Generation and Isolation of Exoelectrogenic Bacteria Based on PetroleumHydrocarbon-contaminated SoilElectroanalysis 2016 28 1510-1516   SCI IF=3.223 JCRQ2  

20. Ying Liu * , Antonio Berná, Victor Climent, Juan Miguel Feliu, “Real-time monitoring ofelectrochemically active biofilm developing behavior on bioanode by using EQCM andATR/FTIR”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 209, 781-789  SCI IF=6.393JCRQ1  

21. Ying Liu*, Dandan Deng, Xiaoji Lan, A Highly Efficient Mixed-culture Biofilm as AnodicCatalyst and Insights into Its Enhancement through Electrochemistry by Comparison with G.sulfurreducens, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 155, 327-334(SCI ,IF=6.901,JCR Q2  区 )

22. Ying Liu, Hosaeng Kim, Rhonda R. Franklin, Daniel R. Bond, “Gold line array electrodesincrease substrate affinity and current density of electricity-producing G. sulfurreducensbiofilms”, Energy & Environmental Science, 2010,3:1782-1788 (IF=38.53JCRQ 1  )

23. Ying Liu, Falk Harnisch, Katja Fricke, Uwe Schroeder, Fritz Scholz, “Improvement of the Anodic Bioelectrocatalytic Activity of Mixed Culture Biofilms by a Simple Consecutive Electrochemical Selection Procedure”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008,24:1012-1017 (IF="7.4761

24. Ying Liu, Mingkui Wang, Feng Zhao, Zhiai Xu and Shaojun Dong, The Direct Electron Transfer of Glucose Oxidase and Glucose Biosensor Based on Carbon Nanotubes/chitosan Matrix”,Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2005,21:984-988 (IF="7.476)

25. Ying Liu, Xiaohu Qu, Hongwei Guo, Hongjun Chen, Baifeng Liu, Shaojun Dong, “Facile Preparation of Amperometric Laccase Biosensor with Multifunction  Based on the Matrix of Carbon Nanotubes-Chitosan Composite”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2006, 21:2195-2201 (IF="7.476)

26.  Ying Liu, Ling Liu, Shaojun Dong “Electrochemical Characteristics of Glucose Oxidase Adsorbed at Carbon Nanotubes Modified Electrode with Ionic Liquid as Binder”, Electroanalysis, 2007, 19(1): 55-59 (IF= 2.5)

27.  Ying Liu, Lijian Huang, Shaojun Dong, “Electrochemical Catalysis and Thermal Stability Characterization of Laccase–Carbon Nanotubes-Ionic Liquid Nanocomposite Modified Graphite Electrode”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2007,23(8):35-41 (IF="7.476)

28.  Electrochemical Characteristics of Facile Prepared Carbon Nanotubes-Ionic Liquid Gel Modified Microelectrode and Application in Bioelectrochemistry, Electrochemistry Communications, 2006,8:1429-1434 (IF= 4.287

29. Ying Liu, Mingkui Wang, Feng Zhao, Zhihui Guo, Hongjun Chen and Shaojun Dong, Direct Electron Transfer and Electrocatalysis of Microperoxidase Immobilized on Nanohybrid Film, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2005, 581:110 (IF= 2.9

30.  Ying Liu, Mingkui Wang, Feng Zhao, Baifeng Liu and Shaojun Dong,“A Low-Cost Biofuel Cell with pH-Dependent Power Output Based on Porous Carbon as Matrix”,Chemistry-A European Journal, 2005,11:4970-4974 (IF= 5.696

31. Feng Zhao, Xuee Wu, Mingkui Wang, Ying Liu, Lianxun Gao, Shaojun Dong, “Electrochemical and Bioelectrochemistry Properties of Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids and Carbon Composite Materials”, Analytical Chemistry, 2004, 76(17):4960-4967 (IF= 5.825)284



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