关于举办“Calcium dependent phosphorylation of NADPH oxidases as a switch from local to systemic signaling in plants”学术报告的通知

作者: 来源: 发布日期:2021-07-24 浏览次数:

报告人:Jörg Kudla 教授 (德国明斯特大学, 植物生物和生物技术系)

Universität Münster, InstitutfürBiologie und Biotechnologie der Pflanzen, Schlossplatz 7, 48149 Münster, Germany


报告题目:Calcium dependent phosphorylation of NADPH oxidases as a switch from local to systemic signaling in plants


ZOOM Meeting ID:  655 3696 2744 ;Password: 206780 Link:  https://wwu.zoom.us/j/65536962744?pwd="dnd0V0JEU0hIREtaaFh6WXFUeExXdz09

报告人简介:Joerg Kudla教授就职于德国明斯特大学植物研究所植物分子遗传学和细胞生物学研究室,主要从事植物钙信号转导与植物抗逆、抗病方面的研究工作。在国际期刊Dev Cell, Plant Cell, Mol Plant,New Phyto,Plant Physiol、Trend Plant Sci等期刊发表多篇高被引论文。


Calcium (Ca2+) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are important second messengers that function in many different biological processes in plants. Spatially and temporally defined changes in their cytoplasmic concentrations represent stimulus-specific signals. However, the modes of interaction and integration of these two important second messengers are largely unknown. Respiratory burst oxidase homologs (RBOHs) are membrane localized plant NADPH oxidases that produce ROS and form a family of 10 proteins in Arabidopsis. Cellular calcium signals are detected and transmitted by calcium-binding proteins that function as calcium sensors. In higher plants, calcineurin B-like (CBL) proteins and their CBL-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs) represent important relays in calcium signaling in many different response reactions.

Here, I will report in detail how distinct Ca2+-activated CBL/CIPK complexes regulate ROS production of specific RBOH proteins in Arabidopsis. Moreover, I will use the NADPH oxidases RBOHF and RBOHD as examples to illustrate how NADPH oxidases represent convergence points of signaling by different kinases and how different classes of Ca2+ regulated kinases function together in conveying the switch from local to long distance signaling in plant immune responses. In this way I will detail mechanisms that integrate Ca2+ and ROS signaling, will reflect on how activation of ROS signals occurs and discuss a model how Ca2+ and ROS could function together in plant long distance signaling.